The Clean Audit

You are supposed to answer these questions at the beginning of your Clean Program so here we go!

1. Do you have headaches more than occasionally?   YES! At least once a week, occasionally so bad I have to take 3 advil for and lay down. 

2. Do you tend to get colds or viruses each year?  Don't we all?

3. Do you have BM less frequently than after every meal? Seriously? Does anyone?

4. Do you have bowel movements that are not soft and easily passed? Ew and yes

5. Do you have diarrhea more than very rarely? Yes and again ew

6. Do you get itchy or watery eyes and nose at certain times of the the year? Yes, my nose is almost always congested, something my doctor has labelled something like non allergen rhinities. Basically there is nothing they can do for me. 

7. Do you have allergies or hay fever? No, I was tested for all kinds of allergies for my clogged up nose but tested negative for everything. However my husband has bad allergies every year. 

8. Do you often get congested or mucusy? Yes, see my nose above, but I also get really congested after eating almost anything, I have to clear my throat a lot and it always seems like I'm coughing up crap in my lungs. 

9. Do you get bloated after eating? Yes.

10. Do you have extra pounds that won't come off with diet and exercise? Yeah about 15 lbs that have settled in my thighs that I can not get rid of. 

11. Do you have puffiness in areas of your face or body? yes, my stomach, though technically pretty flat is always a little puffy. 

12. Do you have dark circles under you eyes? a little, not too bad though. 

13. Do you get heartburn? OMG yes, horrible heat burn

14. Do you have gas more than occasionally? Yes, especially in my stomach, its always a gugly storm down there, also I get terrible indegestion

15. Do you have bad breath or body odor? I don't think so...but thats hard to judge on your own. 

16. Is there a thin white coat on the back of your tongue when you wake up? I don't think so but I'll check tomorrow. 

17. Do you get cravings for certain kinds of food especially sugary, starchy or dairy foods? Yes cheese and sugar. and lots of salt. 

18. Do you have a tendency towards restless sleep? Yes

19. Do you have itchy skin, pimples or any other troubling skin condition? Yes, my skin is almost always broken out. Its been better lately with cutting out dairy and increasing fruits and veggies but still. 

20. Do you get pain or stiffness in your joins or muscles? yeah, my shoulders and knees are always tight and painful

21. Do you have low moods or a foggy mind? Sometimes

22. Do you find that you are forgetful, have difficulty concentrating or can't find words? Yes

23. Do you feel apathetic and tired? Yes, sometimes

24. Do you have higher that average sensitivity to odors? OMG yes. the faintest smell of mildew gives me a migraine. and I can not tolerate B.O. 

25. Have you noticed an increasing sensitivity to toxins in everyday life, such as feeling more nauseated when you smell dry-cleaning fluid or fill up your car's tank with gas, noticing stronger effects of certain food additives, or having reactions to cleaning or personal-care products? Yes, cleaning fluids and any kind of spray paint give me migraines. 

26. Do you use multiple prescription medications? No, though if my doctor had there way I probably would be, I'm trying to take a more holistic approach to the whole thing. 

27. Do you use many potentially toxic chemicals in your home or work environment? No, not really. Occasionally at work I'm exposed, but they are short bursts and not often

28. Do you have musculoskeletal aches and pains or symptoms suggestive of fibromyalgia? hold on, gotta look this one up. Uh...yes, I feel I can say yes to that one. 

29. Do you have tingling or numbness on one side? Uh not really. 

30. Do you have strange reactions to medications or supplements? Nope

31. Ho you have recurrent edema? hmmmmm gotta look this one up too. I don't think so. 

32. Have you noticed a worsening of any troublesome symptoms after anesthesia or pregnancy? No, but I did get REALLY REALLY sick after I had anesthesia after I got my wisdom teeth out. but thats the only time I've had it. 

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