Day 5 and 6 In which I almost lose my husband to this whole thing

Sunday April 24th, 2011 - Monday April 25th

Weight - 156
Height - 5'5"
Bust - 36
Underbust - 34
Upper Arm - 13
Waist - 29
Hips - 41
Upper Thigh - 25
Calf -15.5
Ankle - 9

Exercise : None today is Easter so everything is closed!

Hunger levels - Just fine all day.

So this morning we got up late and my husband was hungry. Real hungry, like too hungry to talk hungry. So we headed over to Trader Joes to get some more food becuase he does't last long on just produce. When we got back I started making Salmon with Homemade pesto from the Clean Program recipes but he looked like he was going to pass out at any second so I cut up a fuji apple and slathered some almond butter on it. He was not convinced but ate it anyway and started feeling better while I made the Salmon which turned out totally delicious. We had that for lunch and saved a piece for him to take to work for lunch tomorrow with some brown rice.

I'm doing this post a few days after so I don't remember exactly what happened but we sorta hit a stride. Things didn't seem so hard. We were going to start the regular clean program today but instead decided to wait until tuesday since we weren't perfect the last few days. I'm still cooking completely organic mostly vegetables and juicing a lot. I'm not entirely sure that my husband is going to last. I've come home a couple of days this week and he has looked starving and hasn't been able to talk he was so hungry.

He isn't really sure what to do with all the stuff in the cabinets, instead of crackers and frozen food, the fridge is full of organic veggies and fruits and the cabinets are full of things like nuts and spirulina powder and maca powder....I see him in the kitchen looking in the fridge like "I don't know what to do with this." So I've been trying to cook all three meals during the day and he has grilled some chicken to take to work with him. I'm not really eating chicken these days, or beef. I am eating some fish but thats about it.

On Sunday we took a trip to Trader Joes to get some staples like Almond milk and a variety of nuts. I have been LOVING the pine nuts. Too bad they are $8 a bag. We also bought some wild caught fresh salmon and some fresh chicken breast along with some more carrots and apples ( good for juicing) and a bunch of stuff for lunches this week. While I'm not working this week I'm going to try and take lunch to my husband everyday since otherwise we are never going to get through all the fresh stuff!

Anyway next post we'll be starting on the 2 liquid/1non-liquid meals for three weeks!

See yah next time!

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