Day 1 of the Elimination Diet.

Wednesday April 20, 2011

Weight - 157
Measurements (later, sorry slammed today)
Hunger levels - totally fine until about 8pm and then I was starving, but all day I was pretty energized

So I did fabulous until.....I got a job for the day. I'm a freelancer so sometimes I don't work for weeks and then all of a sudden I'll work 16 hours in a row. Today and tomorrow are those days. However I was mostly good.

For breakfast I had a cup of Banana tea and then a 32 oz carrot/apple/kale/spinach/ginger juice from Whole foods and a Kale Salad for lunch. I just had water all day and I snacked on almonds in the afternoon when I got hungry.

I will admit that I totally fell apart once I got home and still had about 2 hours of work to do. I was starving and really busy but I managed to stop at whole foods again to pick up somethings for dinner. I purchased sauteed mushrooms, brussel sprouts with garlic, and something labelled yellow squash which was actually potatoes (doh). I called my husband and he made some frozen veggies in the freezer and some brown rice. We topped the whole thing off with some Braggs amino acids (like soy sauce only good for you) and chowed down.

Once we were done with dinner I had to finish some work and ended up drinking the last glass of wine in the house. Though I will admit that its sitting next to me right now and I'm not all that interested.

When I came home my husband left me a bowl filled with Tiare (gardenia) flowers and a note saying happy anniversary. They are my favorites and their heavenly scent reminds me of our wedding and honeymoon in Bora Bora. I'm pretty sure he stole them off a bush. LOL.

Anyway see you tomorrow!

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