I am what I eat. I eat what I am.

So first, let me explain my reasons for doing this program. My husband and I recently lost a family member to lung cancer and though I don't think her cancer was directly related to her diet I do seem to see a prevalence of cancer in our society. And frankly it has me scared. My husband and I both have friends on both sides that have relatives or even multiple relatives that are dying of some kind of cancer. Its too many and its terrifying, especially since its seems to be a function of developed nations and not of anywhere else in the world. There are places where cancer and heart disease and diabetes don't exist, but not in the developed world. Here its a plague. It is estimating that 1 in 2 people in America will have cancer in their lifetimes. Fuck! The variables in our lives that are not the same as in the developing world are diet, pollution and exposure to technology.

Well I live in Los Angeles, So there really isn't much I can do about pollution and exposure to technology but I can change my diet.

Since our family member was diagnosed I have made a huge effort to make my life healthier. I lost 10 lbs, I started eating far more fruits and veggies and I exercise about 4 times a week. Since that time, last July of 2010 my skin tone has improved, I sleep better and my clothes do fit a lot better. There seems to be a lot more balance in my life. But now that we have lost a really important part of our family I find that I am driven to go even further in improving the health of myself and my husband. We have big plans for our life and bad health can't compromise them.

So we have cut way back on coffee and alcohol and have started having organic produce delivered to our house. I personally have started learning to cook and I have cut out dairy and meat products from my diet entirely. My husband has also reduced his intake of meat and dairy. And I bought a juicer and learned to love kale. Unhealthy things like chips/soda/candy are not now and really haven't ever been a daily part of our diet. I do like chocolate but I can live with out it for a bit. and I do have a sweet tooth.....

When I found the Clean Program I felt that it was a good fit. The diet does things that we are doing already like cutting out dairy and cooking with more vegetables and other organic produce.

Our ultimate goal with the program is to shed the toxins that we have built up over a lifetime. Like when I drank 64 ounces of pepsi everyday for a year in high school. Or all the hormones and fat and toxins build up that my liver has been struggling to process from the milk and meat that I ate for years.

And also I would love to lose the last 10 lbs that I put on while in college. Lots of meals eaten at the vending machine at 2am and unfortunately all stubbornly sitting on my thighs a year later. I would LOVE to fit into that size 6 pair of Rock and Republic Jeans I bought last year at the end of this. My waist is fine and so are my lower legs but those thighs, no matter how many squats and lunges I do I cannot get rid of them.

So we start tomorrow! We will be doing 4 days of the elimination diet since we are pretty much there already and have been cutting out most of the things on the exclude side of the chart (posted below) and then starting on the full fledged program after that starting on Sunday morning.

Today is also our 2nd Wedding Anniversary and we are going out to a Mediteranean Restaurant for dinner where I will be doing a little indulging, some wine and probably a piece of baklava.

Tomorrow I will post my weight and measurements and the menu for the day!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Happy Anniversary!I bet the baklava and wine will be a real treat.Love that you are doing a blog sharing this healthy program!I would like to check this book out too,as the Ultramind solution program was excellent that I did before,discusses a lot about toxins.

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